My thoughts as an enterprise Java developer.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
More interesting wait screen
Friday, December 06, 2013
U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether software can be patented | Reuters
Thursday, October 17, 2013
The type of work that I like to do
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Change comments to logs?
- The log statements still give clues to the developer about what is happening
- The log statements also give that information to someone looking at the logs
- Since log statements will be seen more, they are more likely to to kept current
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Sitting Too Much Could Be Deadly, Experts Say | Fox News
" "After four hours of sitting, the body starts to send harmful signals," Ekblom-Bak said. She explained that genes regulating the amount of glucose and fat in the body start to shut down."
One idea that comes to my mind is to setup a standing height desk. The computer would be setup with remote desktop so that employees using it could connect back to their workstation and do work as if they were at their desk. That cube could then be reserved like a conference room so that employees could use it for a few short periods during the day. Optionally, the cube could have a tread mill right in front of the computer so that employees could also walk while working.
Thursday, October 03, 2013
A Simple Rule to Eliminate Useless Meetings | LinkedIn
"begin each meeting by providing attendees roughly 5-10 minutes to read through the deck"
"Once folks have completed the reading, it's time to open it up for discussion.There is no presentation. It's important to stay vigilant on this point as most people who prepared the materials will reflexively begin presenting."
"If the material has been well thought out and simply and intuitively articulated, chances are the need for clarifying questions will be kept to a minimum."
XSLT example to iterator through a comma separated list
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <comma>1,2,3,4,5,6,7,88,99,100</comma> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"> <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:call-template name="splitcommas"> <xsl:with-param name="comma" select="comma"/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:template> <xsl:template name="splitcommas"> <xsl:param name="comma"/> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test=" not(contains($comma, ','))"> <value><xsl:value-of select="$comma"/></value> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <value><xsl:value-of select="substring-before($comma, ',')"/></value> <xsl:call-template name="splitcommas"> <xsl:with-param name="comma" select="substring-after($comma, ',')"/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Keeping sensitive data out of logs
When a product has logging there is a risk that sensitive data(i.e. passwords) will make it into the logs. How do we reduce that risk?
Logging an object or adding toString to a class might not obviously leak sensitive data so it is probably better to make sensitive data obvious. i.e. If sensitive data is stored in a Properties object, as soon as the properties object is obtained, it should move sensitive data to a separate location (i.e. a separate String variable in the class) and remove the sensitive data from properties so it is obvious that there is sensitive data.
Google security exec: 'Passwords are dead' | Security & Privacy - CNET News
"any startup that still relies on standard passwords needs to ensure that it has an abuse team set up to deal "with customers getting compromised." "
"anyone starting a new technology company should be sure that one person is designated to focus on security and privacy, and that one of the first 25 employees should work full time on security and privacy."
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Semantic Web: Resource-Oriented Architecture Patterns for Webs of Data
Start on page “1” (about 60%).
"Whatever domain we work in, we can imagine translating the data elements we care about into named resources:,,, or
These names represent good, long-lived, stable identifiers for these disparate domains."
"Avoiding data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) steps reduces the burden of having multiple copies of our information repositories. We can achieve the goals of a Master Data Management solution while simultaneously avoiding the unnecessary limitations of a prescribed format."
"When you point your browser at any random website, it does not “know” anything. It issues a standard, semantically constrained verb, called GET, to a named element and responds to what comes back. “Oh, an HTML document! I know how to parse that.” or “Oh, a plain text file, I know how to display that.” It is reactive. It does not know. Knowledge is a form of coupling."
"The client does not know what it is going to get, it reacts to what is returned. It knows how to parse standard types. And from there, it discovers what options to present to the user (if there is one)."
"The media type should be designed to support hypermedia links. This should identify the resource itself, as well as its related resources. Clients will be able to “follow their noses” through your hypermedia representations. In the following example, we can find our way back to the account resource itself (useful if we did not fetch it initially but were given the representation as part of an orchestration), its recent orders, as well as individual orders.
1 < a c c o u n t i d = " 12345 " >
2 < l i n k r e l = " s e l f " h r e f = " h t t p : / / e x am pl e . com / a c c o u n t / i d / 1 2 3 4 5 " / >
4 < s t a t u s > g o l d < / s t a t u s >
5 < r e c e n t O r d e r s h r e f = " h t t p : / / e x am pl e . com / o r d e r / a c c o u n t / i d / 1 2 3 4 5 / r e c e n t " >
6 < o r d e r i d = " 141234541234 " h r e f = " h t t p : / / e x am pl e . com / o r d e r / i d / 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 4 1 2 3 4 " >
7 < i t e m s > . . . < / i t e m s >
8 < / o r d e r >
9 < o r d e r i d = " 452354234534 " h r e f = " h t t p : / / e x am pl e . com / o r d e r / i d / 4 5 2 3 5 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 " >
10 < i t e m s > . . . < / i t e m s >"
"A slightly more verbose representation [of a collection]:
1 < a c c o u n t s h r e f = " h t t p : / / e x am pl e . com / a c c o u n t / s t a t u s / to p " >
2 < a c c o u n t i d = " 12345 " u s e r n am e = " j o j a l e h t o " s t a t u s = " a c t i v e "
3 h r e f = " h t t p : / / e x am pl e . com / a c c o u n t / i d / 1 2 3 4 5 " / >
4 < a c c o u n t i d = " 34246 " u s e r n am e = " bkemp " s t a t u s = " a c t i v e "
5 h r e f = " h t t p : / / e x am pl e . com / a c c o u n t / i d / 3 4 2 4 6 " / >
6 < a c c o u n t i d = " 77323 " u s e r n am e = " bl u u " s t a t u s = " d i s a b l e d "
7 h r e f = " h t t p : / / e x am pl e . com / a c c o u n t / i d / 7 7 3 2 3 " / >
8 < / a c c o u n t s >"
"The clients will not have to know how to paginate across arbitrary collections, they will simply discover links related to the collection with a rel type of next or previous. The server still drives URL layout, which is what we want in a hypermedia system."
This may not be as useful for external systems but seems more useful for internal systems where you can make your clients use the extra info.
The full book is available for $20.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Database Changes Done Right - The Daily WTF
The only way to change a database is by running a SQL script against that database, and once you’ve done that, there’s no going back. You can run another SQL script to change the database again, but the only way to truly rollback changes is by restoring the entire database from back-up."
"Database versioning is as simple as maintaining a metadata table with two columns: Unique ID and Execution Date. Before executing a change script, simply check the table to see if the script has been executed already and, if not, run it and stored the script’s unique ID and date."
Friday, September 20, 2013
Integrating ALM: Lessons Learned Deploying Tasktop at Nokia | Dr Dobb's
"The moral here is to consider carefully every case of new user confusion, as it may be a warning of things to come."
"Software that supports complex tasks will probably require an investment in time for users to become adept. A well thought out UI and training material will allow users to perform basic tasks quickly and gain immediate benefit from their first steps onto the learning curve."
"Make any training screencasts short -- even if they're well structured, their perceived size can be off-putting (the user sees a 40-minute price tag on the screen and decides to set aside their learning for another day that never comes)."
Comments for people considering software engineering
I didn’t expect my college degree to teach me so little of what I use each day – they are only able to teach the basics and we have to continuously learn new stuff.
I suggest going the extra mile if you only do the minimal coursework you won’t excel. Do more and better than is required and/or side projects to push the boundaries of what you know and practice learning on your own. Get involved in projects, research ideas, and try out new skills.
Increasing the max heap size can increase the chance of an OutOfMemoryError in Java
Basically there is a C++ heap and if the Java heap takes up too much space then the C++ heap can get an OutOfMemoryError. This generally happens when the java heap size is too near the maximum that that O/S allows – for Windows XP that max is in the 1.2 to 1.4 GB range so if your max heap size is 1 to 1.2 GB you may experience this problem.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
The cost of patches
Monday, August 26, 2013
What to do after "trying it again" works
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
Victory Lap for Ask Patents - Joel on Software
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Registry Hacks
Add Notepad as a right click menu option to open any file:
Add DosHere as a right click menu option to all folders to start a command prompt in that directory:
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
PayPal makes man $92 quadrillion richer (temporarily) | Technically Incorrect - CNET News
That is $41.92 more than the max amount of money (in pennies) that can fit in a signed 64-bit number.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Deprecation Plan
Once a method is deprecated, Java seems to have no further plans for removing it before Java 2.0 (if that ever happens).
I suggest the following steps be done by default:
- Deprecate the method (Java already does this) and generate info log about using the method
- At the next major release, increase the logging level to warning
- At the next major release, increase the logging level to severe and remove from compile time libraries
- After 2 major releases, throw an exception in the runtime (with useful message)
- At the next major release, remove from the runtime
Thursday, May 02, 2013
Why We (Still) Believe in Working Remotely � Blog – Stack Exchange
"when going to work is as simple as walking upstairs (pants optional, but recommended) people just tend to put in more hours and work more productively."
"Our remote developers are some of the most argumentative people in the whole company, because we hired them to be that way. We like opinionated people. Opinionated people find things they care about to work on and make sure you know what they think, which is essential if you’re not sharing an office together."
"If even one person on the team is remote, every single person has to start communicating online."
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Java Performance Tuning News April 2013: Engineering
Is this good or bad? I make no judgement. But I will observe that in the last 20 years the way people live in large chunks of the world has dramatically changed from all the half built continually buttressed software engineering projects that make up the web, the world of apps, and all that we can find in cyberspace, on our laptops, desktops and phones."
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Interfaces: balancing debugging vs. customization
- Simplify interaction: Easier to see how to use a List than an ArrayList
- Make testing easier because replacement implementations can be used
- Can make future changes easier
- Harder to understand what the code is doing
- When you need to look at the implementing class, it can take a lot of work to find it.
Can documentation be a "bad smell"?
Saturday, April 06, 2013
Management: Enemy of Enterprise - Doug French - Mises Daily
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Crowd-Sourced Call Identification and Suppression | FTC Robocall Challenge
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Titles are Toxic: Rands In Repose
"The main problem with systems of titles is that people are erratic, chaotic messes who learn at different paces and in different ways. They can be good at or terrible at completely different things, even while doing more or less the same job. A title has no business attempting to capture the seemingly infinite ways by which individuals evolve. They are imprecise frameworks used to measure the masses. To allow leadership to bucket individuals into convenient chunks so they can award compensation and measure seniority while also serving as labels that are somehow expected to give us an idea about expected ability. This is an impossibly tall order and at the root of title toxicity."
"Titles, I believe, are an artifact of the same age that gave us business cards and resumes. They came from a time when information was scarce. When there was no other way to discover who you were other than what you shared via a resume. Where the title of Senior Software Engineer was intended to define your entire career to date."
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
PurposeOfEstimation: "For me, estimation is valuable when it helps you make a significant decision." i.e. "allocation of resources" or "to help with coordination"
"So whenever you're thinking of asking for an estimate, you should always clarify what decision that estimate is informing. If you can't find one, or the decision isn't very significant, then that's a signal that an estimate is wasteful. When you do find a decision then knowing it focuses the estimate because the decision provides context. It should also clarify the desired precision and accuracy."
"I once remember a gnarly project manager say that plans and estmates were like a lettuce, good for a couple of days, rather wilty after a week, and unrecognizable after a couple of months."
Friday, March 08, 2013
An Appropriate Use of Metrics
"Use the following guidelines to lead you to a more appropriate use of metrics:
Explicitly link metrics to goals
Favor tracking trends over absolute numbers
Use shorter tracking periods
Change metrics when they stop driving change"
"The lines between the measure chosen to monitor progress towards the goal and the actual goal itself blur. Over time, the reason behind the measure is lost and people focus on meeting the target even if that metric is no longer relevant. A more appropriate use of metrics is to ensure that the chosen measure for progress, the metric, is teased out, yet related to its purpose, the goal."
"It is easy to monitor activity (how much time they sit at their computer) yet it is hard to observe the value they produce (useful software that meets a real need). "
"There may be significant difference between code coverage of 5% and 95%, but is there really a significant difference between 94% and 95%? Choosing 95% as a target helps people understand when to stop, but if it requires an order of magnitude of effort getting that last 1%, is it really worth it? "
"Looking at trends provides more interesting information than whether or not a target is met. Working out if a goal is met is easy. The difficult work, and one that management must work with people with the skills to complete is looking at trends to see if they are moving in the desired direction and a fast enough rate. Trends provide leading indicators into the performance that emerges from organizational complexity. It is clearly pointless focusing on the gap in a number when a trend moves further and further away from a desired state."